
kitsch / kĭch / noun

Pieces of art or other objects that appeal to popular or uncultivated taste, as in being garish or overly sentimental.

But to us, kitsch is so much more. From the 50's housewife collecting ugly teapots, to the 2000's hipster pointlessly carrying a typewriter or simply the inner joy felt when passing by a pink lawn flamingo -- kitsch is the inner feeling of comic inner peace that arises in the most unsuspecting places. Kitsch puts the fun back in funky, the beauty in the ugly, the joy in the quirk and the respect of the absurd. It's the moment of zen found in the chaos of a cluttered antique store, that moment of knowing you're surrounded by the history and memories of those you will never meet and experiences you can only ponder.

To us, kitsch is more than a noun, it’s an emotional state, possibly a philosophy. It's that fugly little dog that warms your heart and the ugly christmas sweater that evolks an inner chuckle. It's all the moments that allow us to flaunt our flaws and love because of (not in spite of) all that make us, and the world, unique.